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Aug 8, 20221 min read
How to Change Your Brain
Atlanta Speech & Wellness is the only speech therapy private practice in Atlanta that specializes solely in adult neurological...
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Jun 25, 20222 min read
Creating a Home Schedule for Individuals with Brain Injuries and Neurological Disorders
Why Utilize a Home Schedule? Sticking to a schedule helps us all create habits that enable us to meet our goals, but a home schedule can...
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May 20, 20223 min read
The Role of a Speech-Language Pathologist in Adult Rehab
People are often surprised to learn that a Speech-Language Pathologist’s (SLP) scope of practice isn't limited to working with children...
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Mar 4, 20223 min read
"The Plateau Myth" in Stroke Recovery
"Recovery is not a straight line. There are ups and downs and a plateau may occur, but that doesn’t mean recovery stops!" "You've reached...
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Feb 28, 20222 min read
Spend Time Outdoors & Improve Your Brain Health
Spending time outside is good for your brain and your well being. There is an abundance of research that shows both our brain structure...
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Feb 23, 20224 min read
Quick Tips to Help Your Loved One With Aphasia
Imagine not being able to able to convey your thoughts to your family or friends. Imagine not being able to understand what they are...
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